Thursday, December 10, 2009

Simplifying Christmas

Last year at this time I felt like I was losing my mind trying to get through Christmas. I wrote this post on how I was planning to simplify Christmas. This year I feel like I'm losing my mind for completely different reasons but I chose to simplify ahead of time instead of waiting until I was in over my head.

So far this year, I've only put up the Christmas decorations that are near and dear to me. Although I would like it a bit more festive around here, I know I will just be fighting my oldest to stay out of it so I will save the rest for another year.

I bought most of my Christmas presents before Thanksgiving so other than wrapping them, that is one less stress. I still have a few more to buy but I know what I want, it is just a matter of finding a few moments to go get them.

I haven't baked a thing. Although I miss the baking, I don't really need it as I'm still trying to lose the baby weight. I have a few baking items I want to make for gifts and will tackle those as soon as my husband is done with school (just a few days to go!). Luckily next year he will be out of school so hopefully I can do more baking next Christmas.

I've also done less entertaining. I don't mind visiting another person's house and bringing food but it is much less stressful than if I had to clean my own house.

I keep reminding myself that this is just a season of life and someday my husband won't be working two jobs and going to school, I won't be juggling several online businesses, and my kids won't be this young. I want to enjoy my time with my kids so I'm voluntarily simplifying Christmas.

What are you doing this year to simplify Christmas?


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