Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School Lunch

This year my child is going to an all day pre-k program so for first the time, I'm having to pack a lunch for him each day. I'm only a few days in to it and I'm already bored with our choices.  Of course, it doesn't help that I have a picky child who desperately needs to eat calories.  Let's just say I'm glad we are not at a nut free school.

Today I came across this great resource called Smart School Time Recipes.  It is a free ebook full of healthy recipes. I'm anxious to try some of them out and see if I can expand our repertoire of food. If anyone else has good ideas, feel free to share them in the comments section.


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

I had 3 lunches to make before I pulled them out and now I homeschool them. I HATED making school lunches! I loved sending little notes in the lunchboxes though. I have a picky eater too. He would just get sunflower nuts or cheese for a protein.

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