Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Potty Training & Freezer Updates

I know you all are just dying to know how the potty training is going. Today was the first day he asked to go as soon as he got up. Yesterday he decided he was done with diapers and would only use Pull-ups. I took some Pull-Ups to the babysitters today so hopefully he is doing good in them. If he keeps doing so well, we may try underwear this weekend. I'm very excited that he is doing this on his own and I'm not having to put much effort into it.

Now, for the freezer update. I found the door of the freezer yesterday. That is a huge start because bread fits perfectly in it so I can put my bread stash in there and probably free up at least half a shelf. We have been trying hard to eat from our freezer but I fell off the bandwagon today as we are having egg salad sandwiches for dinner. I have about a month and a half to find more room for all of the meat coming and I'm starting to think I can make it. Last week, I wasn't so sure.


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